Monday 5th November 2012
This is it guys....
The BIG ONE...the culmination of all your hard work, tears and perspiration over the last two years...nae...the last 17 years (as your parents would have it!)...
As Melon would again fret, this however is just another step in what would hopefully be a wonderful, magical and interesting future for each and everyone of you.
Life is have all been well prepped and the combination of your dedicated teachers, your parents doa' and your own unequalled commitment would insha'allah bring honour to one and all!
These final weeks at KYS would mark your passage into adulthood - those of us parents who are still around (al-fatehah and a thought for those no longer with us...) marvels at your progress and development - from the cocooned precious seven year olds entering primary schools around the country into confident and fine young ladies and gentlemen of Kolej Yayasan Saad...soon to walk out of the college's gates into a world full of challenges and promises.
Do not worry my dear Esplendorians, the last five years will be forever be part of your DNA! Look around your mates, they are and will be your best mates for life! The kind of friendships forged and kindled in the common cauldron of your developing years...shared maggi baldi's, beds(?), fears, aspirations, laughter, "crushes...", Mr Rama's 6.30am classes.... :-)
As parents, we know you have done your very best, we trust you would have given it your all...and that is all that we wish for dears....not to waste the opportunities and potential the Almighty have bestowed upon you.
Remember your roots, be grateful, be true, brave and sincere, be EXCELLENT!
Love always,
Esplendor Parents
November 2012
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